WorkShope online: Ekatarina Muromtseva (WHW Akademija)


Ekaterina Muromtseva questions the invisibility and precariousness of cultural workers. She connects this invisibility with the invisibility of the museum collection itself. To see hiw the artist decided to portray the invisible, check out her concept.

We are presenting the artistic proposal ‘How to become invisible, Act 2’, 2020

In Zagreb, I started a new series of works dedicated to invisibility in culture. It is common that a lot of precarious labor of cultural workers stays in the shadow and is not visible to anybody. I wanted to discuss this situation throughout the art project. I launched the portraits of cultural workers inviting them to the painting sessions. During those sessions I’ve made portraits of their shadows and asked them about the conditions of their work. I was supposed to continue this type of discussion in Rijeka with the collection. Somehow, art collections also function as cultural workers: most of the time they are invisible and stay in the shadow, in the storages. I was supposed to take some objects from the collection and make their shadow portraits. The work was supposed to be a big watercolor painting, maybe a 10 meters long. I present the example of the work (but with people shadow portraits) here.

Ekatarina Muromtseva

Ekaterina Muromtseva (Moscow, 1990) is a visual artist with a background in philosophy and stage design, and diplomas obtained from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Rodchenko Art School. Her lyrico-conceptual work investigates personal and collective memory through imaginative forms of documentation, serving as a revelatory springboard of paradox and slippages between fiction and reality. Muromtseva works in several media; large-scale paintings, installations, videos, graphics, and her work is often socially engaged. She has had solo exhibitions at the XL Gallery, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, and was part of a group show at Steirischer Herbst Festival in 2018. In 2019 she was an artist-in-resident at Garage Studios & Art Residencies Moscow.