‘Recognizing the absence’: Public call for submission of temporary art installations in the public space


Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka (Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers) announces the Public call for submission of temporary art installations in the public space under the theme recognizing the absence.

The program is being conducted in partnership with the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka and TD Rijeka 2020 LLC, as part of the Seasons of Power flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.

Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers is dedicated to the commemoration of the atrocities that occurred in Lipa on 30 April 1944, when the Nazis and Fascists killed 269 residents, mainly women, children and the elderly, and set the entire settlement ablaze. Besides fostering a culture of remembrance at the national and international level, the Centre is dedicated to the articulation of anti-war messages and the conveyance of universal appeals to conscience.

A necessary prerequisite for all of the above is an awareness of the extent of the loss and contemplation of the following questions: How can the emptiness created by the atrocities be depicted? How can the absence of the slain residents of Lipa be made a component of our existence today? How can the inconceivable be conceived, and how can the unportrayable be portrayed?

Given subjects will be addressed within artistic programme “Recognizing the absence” as part of the Seasons of Power flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.

We shall endeavour to find the answers within the framework of the second series of artistic interventions in the public spaces of Lipa – within the very topography of the war. This is a call for proposals that, while reflecting on violence and suffering, will avoid literal depictions thereof.

Setting forth from the supposition that extending the boundaries of art simultaneously extends the boundaries of knowledge, preference shall be accorded to proposals that affirm experimental and intermediary artistic practices.

This is additionally a call for proposals that will examine the scope of social influence that contemporary artistic practice has at its disposal – particularly with regard to an understanding of categories that are otherwise difficult to comprehend (trauma, atrocities, genocide) and to awareness-raising and advocacy for desirable forms of behaviour.

Social impact may also be achieved by a direct approach, through art projects based on social inclusion (community art) and cooperation with the local community. Finally, this is a call for proposals that contribute to appreciation of the symbolic potential of Lipa in contemporary peace-building processes.

Submissions will be considered by a four-member jury: Nemanja Cvijanović, artist and coordinator of programmes in the project of Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture; Biserka Dumbović-Bilušić, head of Conservation Department in Rijeka; Ksenija Orelj, curator of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art; Vana Gović, curator of the Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers.


Submission deadline

The call is opened until 25 august 2019

Notification of accepted proposals will be posted no later than the 15th of September 2019 at the website of the Memorial Centre Lipa Remembers, and accepted applicants will be personally contacted by e-mail.

The period for project installation and presentation will run from 1 to 15 october 2019.


Location of program implementation

The location for project implementation encompasses public spaces in Lipa. Find the location at the link

Lipa is a small settlement with roughly one hundred residents situated 27 km from the city of Rijeka, in its hinterland, near the border between Croatia and Slovenia. During the Second World War, it was the scene of a Nazi/Fascist crime against humanity, so today it is under protection as a cultural good in the memorial site category. In this vein, the proposed artistic projects must be temporary, reversible (removable) and non-invasive in the public spaces in which they shall intervene.


Guidelines for applicants

1. Only new, thus far non-implemented works may be proposed.

2. Only a single work may be proposed.

3. Applications are sent via e-mail to the address lipapamti@ppmhp.hr with the subject “Natječaj Recognizing the Absence.” The contact person is Vana Gović, vana@ppmhp.hr, +385(0)51732239

4. Applications not accompanied by the required documentation will not be considered by the jury, as they shall be deemed incomplete.

5. The selected applicants shall be obliged to personally come to Lipa in the specified period for the purpose of production and presentation of the project.

6. The remuneration per project is a gross sum of EUR 670 (regardless of whether it is done by an artistic group or individual artist). The maximum gross sum for the production of an individual project is EUR 670.

7. Accommodation in Lipa shall be arranged by the organizer.

8. Organizer will not be able to cover the travel expenses.


Applications must contain

1. Completed application form. The application form may be downloaded at this link

2. Résumé

3. A description which gives the jury insight into the proposed work by means of suitable documentation (sketches, photographs, video recordings, etc.)

4. A technical description of implementation with suggested location and duration (method for installation and removal of the work and list of the necessary equipment)

5. A budget for project implementation


Detailed documentation can be downloaded at this link


The documentation contains an extensive overview of the circumstances surrounding the atrocities perpetrated on 30 April 1944 and visual materials that will acquaint applicants with the present-day appearance of the settlement.


Art installations selected and performed in the first series of the programme, in the year 2018, can be seen at this link


The program is financially underwritten by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County,  Matulji Municipality and City of Rijeka.